A. Election Timeline
Elections of ICAAACDI Officers will occur every three (3) years on the 3rd Saturday of January.
B. Candidate Requirements
In order for a person to run as ICAAACDI Officer, he/she must be alumni of ICA.
C. Filing of Certificate of Candidacy
All candidates, party or independent, must submit their Certificate of Candidacy on or before the 3rd Saturday of December at the office of the ICA School Director or be submitted at alumni@ica-dasmarinas.edu.ph.
Official form may be downloaded from this: Certificate of Candidacy or can be requested from the Office of the School Director located at ICA East Campus.
D. Campaign Period
Campaign period shall commence after the last day of Filing of Candidacy. Platform of government or plans/policies/projects may be disclosed during the campaign period. Last campaign shall be on the 2nd week of January.
E. Election Process
- Each batch shall designate one (1) representative to cast a vote on the election day. Link for the pre-selected batch representative shall be sent for completion in the official group chat and be made available only during the campaign period. ICA Batch Representative Form
- In case the pre-selected batch representative is not available during the election day due to unforeseen events, a formal letter endorsing a replacement representative signed by at least 2 of the 3 batch coordinators must be presented.
- All batch representative shall vote only once using the official paper ballot and pen.
- Upon completion of the ballot, the voter shall separate the stub found at the lower portion of their accomplished ballot. The voter then drops the official ballot on the designated “official ballot box” and the unmarked stub at the “stub box”.
- Official voting allotment will be two (2) hours after the election committee chair announces the commencement of the voting period.
- After the voting period, the election committee shall immediately proceed to the counting of votes. All ballots for counting must be verified and declared as official by the election chairman.
- Upon final tally and verification of the final results, the election chairman shall proceed with the announcement of winners.
Hello, our dearest alumni! A gentle request to fill out this Google form which will serve as our Alumni Database. This will help us keep in touch with you and update you with the latest news and events from our school. It won’t take more than 5 minutes of your time and it will make a big difference for us. Rest assured that the information will be kept confidential. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/uT3cCKvngjGHbRuQ7 Please share to your own alumni group pages. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
We look forward to hearing from you soon. Follow us on our social media platforms: Instagram / Tiktok / X – ICAdasmarinas